[You lost 5 ml of wine 2, 1 g of chickpea 2]

[You got 1L gasoline]
Get the gasoline!
However, the amount is still too small, and 1L can only last for a while.
Glagla is awake, and the Lin Yue ice machine is working normally.
Lin Yue brought two glasses to the house and placed them next to the ice maker. As the green light came on, Lin Yue also found that there was a lot of ice in the ice outlet behind!
It seems to have achieved ice freedom!
Filar silk is cold and white, gas is hot, and white floats in the gas. After seeing the ice, it finally turns white. What is the iron pimple that gives off strange light and sound?
Lin Yue had put away the tea bag before shoveling the ice into the cup, and then poured water into the cup, and the cold water gradually changed color.
Back to the bedroom and put the cup on the table, Lin Yue and Xiaobai enjoyed their first relaxation after the earthquake disaster.
Cold tea instantly makes this hot weather less uncomfortable. It seems that Xiaobai is still crunching ice cubes after drinking it.
"Xiaobai, let’s pack up and get ready to go to the secret realm to see if we are ready?"
"poof!" Xiaobai heard Lin Yue say "Mysterious Land" and instantly had a spirit. The sound of chewing ice was even louder.
Lin Yue drank the last sip of iced tea and immediately got out of the shelter and came to the greenhouse where the base had not changed from the outside.
He looked carefully and found that the greenhouse was almost unscathed in the earthquake, but there were some small holes in two or three places that seemed to be bitten by something.
Lin Yue took out a toilet paper roll and stuffed it into a small ball to block it. For the time being, he had no special way.
I am familiar with the damp and sultry feeling mixed with the special smell of fresh vegetables.
Lin Yue saw a piece of green in front of him and took out the suit with a small dagger.
This dagger has a wide range of ways, and it is a good hand to cut vegetable leaves, so Lin Yue made an extra one.
Chickpea belongs to the kind of vegetable that will keep growing if you don’t cut off all its leaves. That’s why Lin Yue hasn’t been uprooted.
[you got chicken hair kg]
He looked at the white radish again and found that it was actually mature, each of which was nearly 3 cm long!
Boy, that’s nice. This
[You got 52kg of white radish]
[You got 11kg of white radish leaves]
It’s quite a surprise for Lin Yue that a radish can grow so many radishes in almost two kilograms in three days.
And this radish leaf is naturally edible, and he will never let it go.
Lin Yue, who has harvested a lot of vegetables, found that the chicken-hair vegetables sown the day before yesterday seemed to be harvested, and the onions, strawberries and watermelon seedlings also grew a little.
It seems that after a while, he will be able to live a free life with vegetables.
If this black technology soil cultivation set is reasonable and profitable, it should do more things!
It’s a pity to have a shopping mall, otherwise he will definitely buy more kinds and fill it with the other two medium-sized soil cultivation suits that are still in existence.
Once again, Lin Yue walked out of the greenhouse and went to the triangular wall not far away to climb the ladder to collect the barbed wire and wooden boards into the object, and then put away the three mixed walls of iron and stone, and then replaced them with several collapsed or cracked walls.
Finished these Lin Yue called Xiaobai periphery to patrol a circle.
Boy, there are thirteen mutant sheep, five spotted wolves and three tiger spotted deer bodies lying in the trap outside the wall!
It seems that last night was not generally lively.
Lin Yue was dissected first, and then thirteen mutant sheep ribs were unloaded one by one. He buried them on the spot to attract bugs.
It took a lot of time to finish these things.
But consider it a warm-up exercise.
Looking up from afar, the huge creature figure has long since disappeared. Lin Yue boarded the roof and looked around. Finally, near the wall behind the house, he saw Gu Men wrapped in vines and wrapped in blue bricks.
"Small white! Go! "

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